by Bill Dietrich
How many times have you heard a fellow Christian say, “I believe God created everything in six days, but they were not six LITERAL DAYS. Each DAY was probably a much longer period... maybe millions of years.”
I don’t know about you, but my reaction is twofold: First, I believe that if God is truly Omnipotent, He is certainly capable of incomprehensible supernatural acts. Just because our human minds can’t comprehend such incredible power, that does not make it impossible for Almighty God. Do we really want to believe in a God who is not powerful enough to accomplish such a mighty feat in such a short time?
Secondly, a truly scientific analysis of the facts leads me to a simple conclusion. For reasons I will discuss here, it would be impossible for creation to be spread over a series of multimillion-year steps corresponding to the six “days” of creation. The person who embraces this “slow creation” idea is attempting to accommodate and appear logical in the eyes of the secular scientific community, while maintaining a belief in a creator God.
You can’t have it both ways. Here’s why not.
According to Genesis, the first living organisms God created were plants. During subsequent “days” He created the various types of animals. Any high school biology textbook will point out that plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. Animals are just the opposite. They breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. In effect, plants and animals are absolutely interdependent for life itself. If there were nothing but plants on earth for millions of years, their oxygen “waste” would eventually increase to toxic levels, while the available carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would be depleted. Plant life would become extinct before animals ever appeared on the scene.
There is simply no way creation could have taken millions of years.
Evolutionists have successfully promoted the idea of a very old earth. They have built a house of cards based on the extremely flawed speculations of a nineteenth-century naturalist named Charles Darwin. His theory of the origin of species appealed to those who sought to explain the complexity of the universe without reliance on a supernatural God. But in order to make the evolution fairy tale seem plausible, they must continue to stretch the time line of the evolutionary process, thus calling for an older and older earth.
However, by insisting on a very old earth, they have created another trap for themselves.
Think for a moment. If the earth has been around for 4 billion years or more, and if life has slowly evolved over even millions of years, then the environment had to remain reasonably constant over that time span. Average temperatures on earth would have to remain within a definite range which permits life to proceed as we know it.
Therefore, the sun would also have to be billions of years old.
The sun is literally on fire. When something is burning, matter is being transformed, and energy is being released in the process. How would any intelligent person imagine that the sun could remain on fire for billions of years, or even millions of years, burn at a steady rate, and not be consumed or even diminished? And how could that happen accidentally?
At the very least, if the sun is indeed billions of years old, it would have started off much bigger and brighter and generating far more heat than now. The planet Mercury, which is the closest to the sun, would have been burned to a crisp! Our oceans would likely have been boiling and thus unable to support life.
So is it really important to challenge the notion of “slow creation”? Absolutely.
Anytime we choose to interpret the Word of God to make it conform to the theories of secular scientists, we diminish our respect for the power and majesty of our Creator... who surpasses all human understanding. I believe we need to confront the myths that we have been led to accept without questioning. From kindergarten on, we and our children have been given so-called “scientific” theories and explanations that defy logic. The time is long overdue for Christians to logically and thoughtfully replace the myths of the secularists with sound understanding of the reality of our Creator, the one and only God, and His marvelous creation.
Copyright 1/2/2008 William C. Dietrich

Excellent, Bill. Some points I've not heard expressed before. Do you think intelligent, scientific-minded evolutionists are blinded to this logic, or simply too prideful to admit to allowing themselves to be misled all these years, or something else?
Thanks very much! Your comment is really appreciated.
In answer to the question you raised, a recent sermon by our pastor may give us some insight into why people insist on denying the truth. I believe there is a parallel in the passage in John 12:37, regarding Jesus... there were those who still "WOULD not believe in him." Their continued refusal resulted in the hardening of their hearts, as in 12:39-40 "they COULD not believe, because "He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts....".
As the passage continues in 12:42-43, I see similarities between many in the "scientific community" who fear they will be cast out, just as those who wanted to believe Jesus but feared being cast out of the synagogue by the Pharisees... "for they loved praise from men more than praise from God."
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