The Myth of "Accidental Genesis"
by Bill Dietrich
Life began by accident.
Life began by accident.
Life began by accident.
Believers in the creation of life without a supernatural Creator have to keep chanting this to themselves. Otherwise they might examine the facts and start to doubt this doctrine which has been preached to them all their lives. They heard it in their Biology classes from elementary school through college and beyond, it is repeated by their friends and co-workers and reinforced in the media.
It is assumed to be true throughout a culture that often considers believers in our Creator God to be intellectually challenged, at best. Ours has become a culture that prefers to bow at the altar of science instead of the altar of God. Fellow Christians who don’t like being marginalized often decide to keep their beliefs to themselves, rather than arguing a point they think they can’t win. The fear of embarrassment not only discourages some from speaking out, it also creates vulnerability to believing the unbelievable.
So let’s see if we’ve got this straight. The belief that the phenomenon of life occurred solely through random physical processes, without intervention by any supernatural forces, is what I call "Accidental Genesis". And here are some of the steps you would have to believe in order for this to occur:
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The Myth of “Slow Creation”
by Bill Dietrich
How many times have you heard a fellow Christian say, “I believe God created everything in six days, but they were not six LITERAL DAYS. Each DAY was probably a much longer period... maybe millions of years.”
I don’t know about you, but my reaction is twofold: First, I believe that if God is truly Omnipotent, He is certainly capable of incomprehensible supernatural acts. Just because our human minds can’t comprehend such incredible power, that does not make it impossible for Almighty God. Do we really want to believe in a God who is not powerful enough to accomplish such a mighty feat in such a short time?
Secondly, a truly scientific analysis of the facts leads me to a simple conclusion. For reasons I will discuss here, it would be impossible for creation to be spread over a series of multimillion-year steps corresponding to the six “days” of creation. The person who embraces this “slow creation” idea is attempting to accommodate and appear logical in the eyes of the secular scientific community, while maintaining a belief in a creator God.
You can’t have it both ways. Here’s why not.
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Losing the Culture War
by Bill Dietrich
I love this country. I want the best blessings God has in store for this country and all of us who call America our home. I believe in my heart all Christians feel the same way. Many of us see the way our culture is steadily becoming more Godless and profane and we are deeply concerned, bewildered, even angry at times. As a result, many have described the conflict between Christian values and those of the Popular Culture as a “Culture War”. Indeed, there is a deep rift between our respective values. Many of us have chosen to confront the major problems we see at this time, seeking to bring about change in the attitudes and lifestyles of the opposition.
We have drawn battle lines in such areas as Legalized Abortion, Homosexuality, Same-Sex “Marriage”, Evolution and Assisted Suicide to mention a few. We have fought to protect our Freedom of Religious Expression in our schools and in the workplace. These are areas in which government is actively promoting conduct which is absolutely contrary to our Biblical standards. Under the guise of “freedom of speech”, today we are told we must tolerate unprecedented filth in Movies, Rap Music, Radio and Television. Evolution is being taught in our schools as though it is an undisputed fact.
If our struggle against the moral meltdown in our values is truly a “Culture War”, are we winning or losing? I believe we are losing. But why?
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The Myth of “Evolution Science”
by Bill Dietrich
When you hear anything repeatedly, day after day, year after year, eventually you begin to accept it as truth. This is especially true when you hear it from every corner of our culture… schools, the media, movies. Even in many of our churches, due to fear of being ridiculed by the secular elites, you find a willingness to accept Darwinian evolution as fact. After all, who are we to question the science of evolution?
But the theory of Evolution is not really science. It’s not even close to being science. When it comes to oxymorons, the term “Evolution Science” tops the list. If you look at the origin of the theory, one can only wonder why any self-respecting modern day scientist would place any credence in it at all.
Look at a few historical facts. Charles Darwin is generally credited as the father of the theory of evolution. He first postulated his theory in 1859, with his book The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. Without any knowledge of genetics, DNA, or cell biology, he attempted to explain how inherited traits are passed from generation to generation. He speculated that traits which tend to make an individual better suited to survive in his environment would be more likely to be expressed in future generations. In other words, an organism more “fit” than individuals lacking these traits will survive to reproduce more abundantly. Eventually, these traits would then become predominant in the population. His ideas were based strictly on empirical observations and lacked any evidence of how such mechanisms work at the level of genetics.
While it may be difficult to argue against Natural Selection as it relates to variations within a species, the extension of this process to allow the creation of a new and different species cannot happen, and does not happen. There is also no evidence in the fossil record that it has ever happened.
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by Bill Dietrich
Life began by accident.
Life began by accident.
Life began by accident.
Believers in the creation of life without a supernatural Creator have to keep chanting this to themselves. Otherwise they might examine the facts and start to doubt this doctrine which has been preached to them all their lives. They heard it in their Biology classes from elementary school through college and beyond, it is repeated by their friends and co-workers and reinforced in the media.
It is assumed to be true throughout a culture that often considers believers in our Creator God to be intellectually challenged, at best. Ours has become a culture that prefers to bow at the altar of science instead of the altar of God. Fellow Christians who don’t like being marginalized often decide to keep their beliefs to themselves, rather than arguing a point they think they can’t win. The fear of embarrassment not only discourages some from speaking out, it also creates vulnerability to believing the unbelievable.
So let’s see if we’ve got this straight. The belief that the phenomenon of life occurred solely through random physical processes, without intervention by any supernatural forces, is what I call "Accidental Genesis". And here are some of the steps you would have to believe in order for this to occur:
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The Myth of “Slow Creation”
by Bill Dietrich
How many times have you heard a fellow Christian say, “I believe God created everything in six days, but they were not six LITERAL DAYS. Each DAY was probably a much longer period... maybe millions of years.”
I don’t know about you, but my reaction is twofold: First, I believe that if God is truly Omnipotent, He is certainly capable of incomprehensible supernatural acts. Just because our human minds can’t comprehend such incredible power, that does not make it impossible for Almighty God. Do we really want to believe in a God who is not powerful enough to accomplish such a mighty feat in such a short time?
Secondly, a truly scientific analysis of the facts leads me to a simple conclusion. For reasons I will discuss here, it would be impossible for creation to be spread over a series of multimillion-year steps corresponding to the six “days” of creation. The person who embraces this “slow creation” idea is attempting to accommodate and appear logical in the eyes of the secular scientific community, while maintaining a belief in a creator God.
You can’t have it both ways. Here’s why not.
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Losing the Culture War
by Bill Dietrich
I love this country. I want the best blessings God has in store for this country and all of us who call America our home. I believe in my heart all Christians feel the same way. Many of us see the way our culture is steadily becoming more Godless and profane and we are deeply concerned, bewildered, even angry at times. As a result, many have described the conflict between Christian values and those of the Popular Culture as a “Culture War”. Indeed, there is a deep rift between our respective values. Many of us have chosen to confront the major problems we see at this time, seeking to bring about change in the attitudes and lifestyles of the opposition.
We have drawn battle lines in such areas as Legalized Abortion, Homosexuality, Same-Sex “Marriage”, Evolution and Assisted Suicide to mention a few. We have fought to protect our Freedom of Religious Expression in our schools and in the workplace. These are areas in which government is actively promoting conduct which is absolutely contrary to our Biblical standards. Under the guise of “freedom of speech”, today we are told we must tolerate unprecedented filth in Movies, Rap Music, Radio and Television. Evolution is being taught in our schools as though it is an undisputed fact.
If our struggle against the moral meltdown in our values is truly a “Culture War”, are we winning or losing? I believe we are losing. But why?
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The Myth of “Evolution Science”
by Bill Dietrich
When you hear anything repeatedly, day after day, year after year, eventually you begin to accept it as truth. This is especially true when you hear it from every corner of our culture… schools, the media, movies. Even in many of our churches, due to fear of being ridiculed by the secular elites, you find a willingness to accept Darwinian evolution as fact. After all, who are we to question the science of evolution?
But the theory of Evolution is not really science. It’s not even close to being science. When it comes to oxymorons, the term “Evolution Science” tops the list. If you look at the origin of the theory, one can only wonder why any self-respecting modern day scientist would place any credence in it at all.
Look at a few historical facts. Charles Darwin is generally credited as the father of the theory of evolution. He first postulated his theory in 1859, with his book The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. Without any knowledge of genetics, DNA, or cell biology, he attempted to explain how inherited traits are passed from generation to generation. He speculated that traits which tend to make an individual better suited to survive in his environment would be more likely to be expressed in future generations. In other words, an organism more “fit” than individuals lacking these traits will survive to reproduce more abundantly. Eventually, these traits would then become predominant in the population. His ideas were based strictly on empirical observations and lacked any evidence of how such mechanisms work at the level of genetics.
While it may be difficult to argue against Natural Selection as it relates to variations within a species, the extension of this process to allow the creation of a new and different species cannot happen, and does not happen. There is also no evidence in the fossil record that it has ever happened.
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"Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools...."
Romans 1:22
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